Thursday, December 13, 2007

Just another hard day in the office

Monday, December 10, 2007

Losing it

So, what have I been up to in the last few weeks, apart from panicking, packing and planning our new life in Hong Kong?

Well, I have realised that the last time I was in HK I was almost 10 years younger and 10kg lighter, which made me feel old and miserable (no, I will not say the f word) for a while, but then I decided maybe I should do something about it. Until I went to the gym…

I was just minding my own business on the running machine, enjoying a little dose of the Simpsons, when this muscle machine walks up to me and says ‘why don’t you come and join the class that’s starting in a minute?’ I proceeded to provide her with a list of reasons why I would not join the class, until she grabbed me by the hand and dragged me into the classroom, shouting ‘the only way to get fit is to join the class’ and then not letting me rest for an hour. Why won’t gym teachers just leave us unfit people alone?

I suppose it did me good and in fact I have lost almost half of my target weight since then, so I must be doing something right…

Apart from that, Krusty’s company have taken the whole ‘sending us to HK at the end of January’ a bit differently to me and he has been out there three weeks of the last month. So much for having time to prepare the move… He’s back this weekend, just in time for our anniversary and my birthday. I just hope he leaves his good friend Mr Jet Lag at the airport.

I shouldn’t complain too much though: his company’s Christmas party is on that weekend and they are sending us by Eurostar to Paris and putting us up in the Concorde Lafayette! An anniversary in the city of lurrve… Jet lag or no jet lag I am determined to enjoy it.