Gabriel Gattei is born
So my best friend Berengere has just had her baby boy, in Peru. She really couldn't do anything like anyone else! Little Gabriel, 3kg150 and 45cm long, is half French, half Italian, born in a Spanish speaking country to parents who speak English to each other. I'm glad I won't have to compete with HIM in language class...Anyway, all of this has made me realise that I am still without child, even though everyone else seems to be popping sprogs out all over the place. It's almost enough to push me back into my depressive stay-in-bed-eating-chocolate-all-day phase. It's a good job I have the impending deadline of moving to a country where everyone is a size zero to think about...

My argument is, "With all the margaritas we buy, we can't afford a child, honey."
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