An unstoppable force meets an unmovable object
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
We're in Hong Kong!
There are a million things to say about our first few days, but so little time to say it. Honkers bonkers etc... Just take a look at my diary, I'm not making it up...
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
OK, so I think I'm losing it
I am super excited about Hong Kong, especially now that we have a date! We are officially leaving on the 11 Feb!But then that also means that on 11 Feb I will be even further from my parents. They came over last week and we had a great time (peppered with the traditional bust-ups with my Dad) and I was just so sad to see them leave. That's why I think I'm losing it despite my exciting adventure coming up.
In fact today at the post office the guy behind the counter asked me where my mum was (she had been with me the previous couple of times) and when i said she had gone home I started crying... Rather embarassing. For him and me!
Then again maybe it's just a side effect of listening to my iPod on shuffle. Going from the Beatles to DJ Shadow to Nina Simone to the Chemical Brothers... Can't be good for the mind...
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Gabriel Gattei is born
So my best friend Berengere has just had her baby boy, in Peru. She really couldn't do anything like anyone else! Little Gabriel, 3kg150 and 45cm long, is half French, half Italian, born in a Spanish speaking country to parents who speak English to each other. I'm glad I won't have to compete with HIM in language class...Anyway, all of this has made me realise that I am still without child, even though everyone else seems to be popping sprogs out all over the place. It's almost enough to push me back into my depressive stay-in-bed-eating-chocolate-all-day phase. It's a good job I have the impending deadline of moving to a country where everyone is a size zero to think about...

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Me not happy
First I drop my phone in the bath.Then Krusty gets his laptop stolen in a bar.
And now someone has hacked my ebay account.
I am NOT happy.