Saturday, November 4, 2006

Man on the edge of a mid-life crisis

Last summer in the Ile de Re was magical. As usual, we can't get enough of a good thing, so we went back for some more. It was for the birthday of Paul, my father who, at 49, has avoided a mid-life crisis until now. Could 50 be the time for it though? They say that 50 is the new 40...
We were in charge on bringing crisps and dips to have a little celeBritish for the celebrations, but they were taken away at immigration, because the terrorists haven't yet finished taking away our smallest pleasures. Disappeared also my mascara and my perfume, because you wouldn't want someone beautiful that smells good to kill themselves.
I thought I was going to spend my days off curled up in front of the fire. It's the end of autumn after all. But the weather in France was amazing. Nearly better than the summer. We ate outside every day. But, and here's where the doubts of crisis settled in, Dad went for swim on the night of his birthday, in the sea!
Well, here's the rest in pictures, because sometimes they say more than words... In any case, if it is a mid-life crisis, I don't mind getting old!


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