Saturday, July 15, 2006


I am well, all is going well, slowly, but well.
I have had a promotion and am now Sub-Editor of Lexus Magazine, so I am even more tired. Before, I could ask someone for something and say 'it's for xxxx, they really need it, it's not my fault', but now I have to say it is for me and it's bizarrely much harder to get things done. And of course, now, if things go wrong, it's mine and my fault only. I am not complaining. I am proud, but it's just not as easy any more. I suppose that as you go forward, things feel like they should get easier, but it's actually the contrary...
I went on holiday for four days to the ile de Re to rest from my office marathon, but it only made me want to stay more. I forgot how nice it was to get up in the morning not to do things I had to do, but things I want to do. I was going really well, too, with not getting sun burnt, until the last day, when we cycled for 40km and the drama occured. On my bike, I slowly went from white English city rose to silk red lantern from a dodgy part of Amsterdam. My fingers, wrapped around the handle bar, stayed white a ssnow, and my hands blew up and became as bright as the sun. I nearly got through a holiday without burning, nearly...
Otherwise, I am making the most of invitations I get at work and went to the launch of a cookbook at the exclusive Cinnamon Club. They were vases of dead fish everywhere (it's a seafood book) and lots of people up their own xxxx. It was quite refreshing actually.
I also saw Woody Allen direct his latest film with Colin Farrell and Ewan McGregor opposite my office. He is so small! A little mouse!
Today I went to celebrate the first birthday of another little mouse: Paul, the son of Mercedes. It was great. She leaves in front of a private park, and we witnessed there the cute games of the little baby and four of his friends. Strangely enough, K was happy to play with them, and even got the bug, wanting to have one of his one. He was so moved that on the way home he bought me a beautiful ring, that my father has called the engagement ring placebo. He is so cute. I can't wait until he has a job and we can go one step further. My mother has told me to be careful who I choose in the end, I wonder what she was trying to say...
Next week, I think we will go to Cambridge, to see where K went to school. A way of seeing another side of his personality I suppose.
I really would like to know what is going to happen in the future. To be able to see, like Gwyneth Paltrow in that film, what would happen if I made one choice or the other...


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